The motor on a mobile screen on a wharf was leaking hydraulic oil. The wharf foreman was asked to remove the motor prior to the attendance of contractors, to allow them to fit another motor from consignment stock; a task that had been carried out on previous occasions.
The foreman had been advised to get assistance from a site operative. The weight of the motor was supported by a telehandler. The incident occurred when the final bolt was released from the motor. As the motor was pulled back, it snagged on the torque plate brace. The operative tried to release the snag and the motor freed and then, because it was attached to strops suspended from the telehandler, it rotated anti clockwise hitting the operative’s safety helmet, which pushed into his forehead causing a laceration. The motor continued to rotate, with the torque plate striking the right-hand side of the operative’s nose. He was taken to hospital where he required 3 stitches.
Image of motor in postion

Image of motor suspended

Safe Systems - There was no specific Risk Assessment, Method Statement (RAMS) or Lifting Plan for the activity.
Lifting - There were lifting certificates for the strop and telehandler.
Isolations - Manager in charge isolation padlocks and tags were in place on the mobile screen isolator.
Take 5 - Undertaken before commencing the activity by both the foreman and operative.
Communication - The two staff were communicating through the open telehandler window.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Both of them were wearing full PPE.