A contract haulage driver parked on site in preparation for loading of material. On exiting his vehicle cab, he misjudged his footing and missed the bottom step. He fell, striking his head, right elbow and lower back on the concrete paving. He received first aid treatment on site and his condition was monitored. He reported feeling dizzy and sick and therefore the Emergency Services were called. An ambulance arrived and the driver was taken to hospital for assessment, accompanied by the Plant Manager. He was released later in the day having had stitches to close his head wound.

Safe systems / Competence - It is accepted practice at the site for drivers to exit their vehicles and change into their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the loading bay on the basis it is a safer than on the public road; however, this practice has not been considered within the site’s Risk Assessment. The driver had received an induction and his training records include safe access and egress from vehicle cabs.
Vehicle - The driver was familiar with the cab step configuration, it being his regular vehicle.
PPE - Although the driver was wearing boots they were not fastened correctly (see photo).
Housekeeping - Housekeeping in the area was exceptional, with steps / curbs clearly highlighted.