A driver's hand was trapped in the tailgate of his belt trailer when cleaning down build up after discharging the load. He was still holding the remote-control unit for the trailer which also was trapped. The images show a reconstruction and the bruising to the driver's hand.

Cause -The driver unintentionally pressed, and held, the tailgate close button while cleaning down.
Reaction -The driver had felt the tailgate hit the back of his safety helmet and instinctively moved his head away from being trapped by the tailgate.
First Aid - Bruising of the hand was the only injury. The driver returned to work the next day.
Safe Systems of Work - The driver failed to isolate the remote control prior to approaching the vehicle.
Training - The driver has held his class 1 license since 2021, has a valid MP Connect card, valid site induction and recently completed his Zero4Life for Drivers training.
PPE - Full PPE was worn, including gloves, which reduced the potential for injury.
Improvement - The delivery occurred early in the morning when low light levels made it difficult to see clearly into the trailer despite the driver having a head torch.
- Isolating the remote control would have prevented the tailgate moving.
- SSOW modified to make it clearer that the remote must be isolated.
- Retraining of drivers in the SSOW change.
- Improved lighting in the area.