Title | Short Description | Source | Date |
Time to Talk Day - 6th February | TIME TO TALK DAY – 6th FEBRUARY
MPA is committed to backing this day dedicated to doing what we can to ensure everyone gets comfortable with and starts talking about #mentalhealth, also taking time to check in with family, friends, colleagues and communities.

@Time to Talk Day is run by @Mind and @Rethink Mental Illness, in partnership with @Co-op and delivered by @See Me with @SAMH (Scottish Action for Mental Health), @Inspire and @Time to Change Wales.
Last year’s Day revealed that nearly two thirds of the UK public put on a brave face to avoid talking about their mental health. And nearly half of us are less likely to open up as we don't want to worry others in already difficult times.
But talking openly and honestly can be the first step towards better mental health for everyone. It can reduce stigma and help people feel comfortable enough to seek help when they need it.
Explore the Time to Talk Day website (https://timetotalkday.co.uk/) for a whole range of ideas and resources which can help start the conversation in your workplace and download this resource pack: https://timetotalkday.co.uk/download-a-pack/#74-58-activities
The @Health & Safety Executive Talking Toolkit provides guidance on having conversations about work-related stress. It can be downloaded here: https://www.hse.gov.uk/stress/assets/docs/talking-toolkit-construction.pdf
| MPA | 05/02/2025 |
Please watch and share this video |
Please use the next 2 minutes to view this video – it could help you prevent a serious injury or fatality on your site.
- The video summarises the vital health and safety information that is free, constantly updated and easily searchable via Safequarry.com
- This website brings together content that is relevant to all products sectors within the mineral products industry.
- This crucial H&S information has been provided by industry operators, MPA, QNJAC, HSE, NePSi and many others.
The Health and Safety Hub for the mineral products industry.
We are all ‘Safer by Sharing’ and learning from others.
Please share the link with your colleagues
| MPA | 04/02/2025 |
MPA Health and Safety Awards - Special bulletin | Please find attached a special MPA Health and Safety Bulletin that is a celebration of the recent MPA Health and Safety Awards 2024.
The bulletin includes direct links to the videos of the winning entries, tabulated to assist in reviewing.
It may be that one or more of these videos could provide a useful way of introducing a discussion around a particular activity or hazard as part of a safety discussion /toolbox talk you might be planning in the New Year.
The real benefit from the MPA Health and Safety Awards is achieved by ensuring that the ideas and innovations featured are shared as widely as possible across the mineral products industry. By learning about both the good practices and incidents / HiPos experienced by others we can adapt are own operations to make them safer for all, we are all Safer by Sharing.
Please take the opportunity to review this bulletin and share it with others as appropriate.
| MPA | 30/12/2024 |
HSE issues LPG Forklift Fires Briefing Report | LPG Forklift Fires Briefing Report
A report of the findings of an HSE investigation into a series of LPG forklift truck fires that occurred in GB in 2022-4.
Follow link to report - HSE Briefing
Contaminated LPG from one refinery has been gumming up the vaporiser units on fork lift trucks. If the operator continues to turn the engine in an attempt to start it, there is a build-up of unburnt fuel which could eventually cause a fire/explosion.
| HSE | 30/12/2024 |
Product Safety Alert - Italmecc Air Box 2100 Water Backed Booth | Italmecc Air Box 2100 Water Backed Booth LEV System. Product Safety Report:
Follow link to notice - Italmecc Air Box 2100 (2412-0024) - GOV.UK
Below is a summary but please see the notice for full details -
The product presents a high risk to health as it is not supplied with adequate instructions for installation, specifically, the requirement for ducting extracted air to outside. This is of particular concern when used to control dust generated by processing materials containing respirable crystalline silica (RCS).
Corrective action:
Italmecc S.R.L. have stopped supply in GB until the machine instructions are updated and brought into compliance. Users of these machines should ensure that they are ducted to outside when used to control exposure to substances hazardous to health, or use other equally effective measures.
| | 30/12/2024 |