A truckmixer owned by an Independent Haulage Contractor (IHC) was stopped from working when it developed a noise thought to be originating from the gearbox on the drum.
On closer inspection, it was found that some of the mounting bolts from the drum mounting flange to the gearbox were missing; only 4 out of 12 fitted bolts remained. The truck mixer had a new drum fitted 8 months earlier, however no formal maintenance inspections were subsequently carried out on this area of the drum.
If the drum had broken free while the truckmixer was travelling on the highway, it had the potential to result in a very serious incident.
Safe Systems - After the repairs were carried out, the driver was advised the mounting flange should be regularly inspected; however, this doesn’t seem to be common knowledge.
Inspection and maintenance - All transit mixer drums are supplied with an original equipment manufacture (OEM) handbook, which highlights all required maintenance activities and schedules.
Inspection and maintenance- All drivers should visually inspect the mixer gearbox mounting bolts (as per picture 1) as part of their daily pre-use inspection, checking for signs of movement or missing bolts.
Tools and equipment - This type of incident appears more likely to occur following the removal of the drum
Picture 1